Hi Thomas, you are so sweet and kind to say that. I actually tell stories of what happened in my divorce because I became a national divorce columnist on Beliefnet in the first year of my divorce. As a journalist, I no longer write on other topics. I stick to love, relationships, marriage, divorce, family, parenting, and narcissism. My life is 100% better in these few years past my divorce. I just write to help others navigate it. I often use the active voice in writing because it's more compelling. There are other things I do write in the present sense (the box of toys my husband recently threw out or his getting married on my birthday) and dating topics. But I don't pine over my husband, our marriage, or any of that. My only upset is the impact he can still have on our children and I have a lot of financial stress. I need to find another job that pays more. So I am emotionally not stuck. I just want to help others who experience it. I always say I think I fell down farther than most so I can help others get up. Also, on Medium, I wanted to write a lot of my back story because I'm preparing to write about some thought leadership I have as a marketer on individuality and avoiding some relationship mistakes we make. You're the best! I always appreciate your comments.