I am actually the daughter of divorce. Trust replaced my better instincts and I know others like me. And because I was the child of divorce I was extremely responsible. Our liability and other insurance were more than enough to cover emergencies or his disability or death. I dotted every i and crossed every t. I built a business with him and I got a part-time job to start saving for our first investment property. Yes, I was trusting but I was far from foolish. I was at home but I had financially built our life as well. Mine is a cautionary tale. I was smart enough to avoid this, plan for the future and emergencies but if you let your guard down you can be taken down. I remember my friend saying how did this possibly happen to you? Because I had been independent from a young age far more than my friends who had married parents. I'm glad you were smart. Sadly, I do know too many children of divorce who went against their instincts.